Would you be embarrassed or ashamed if this was your brother or no?

Let's say you have a 16 year old brother who's 5'2 and your 17. He's always been very affectionate, kind and while in high school he'd hug both genders in public and was caught holding hands with a boy with Down syndrome. One day while attending high school, your brother got kicked in the balls by a girl and he cried, sobbed uncontrollably and kept saying it hurts, it hurts I can't take it anymore! And sobbed louder and several kids heard. Your brother likes to plant trees, flowers, play with animals and he really likes your girlfriend. When she first came to your house your brother took his hamster out of his cage, and showed it to your girlfriend and they played with the hamster together. Another time when you're friends came over, your brother was pacing nervously and you realized his pet snake was let lose. Sometimes you're brother has messy, frizzy hair and smells like cupcakes, flowers or oranges because he washes his body with feminine shampoos and wears perfume. He'll get random boners in public, get scared and try to hide them and twice you came home from school to hear him moaning, grunting and jerking off in his bedroom with the door open. - if this was your brother would you still love him, or would you be ashamed this guy was your brother?
Yes I would
No I wouldn't
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Would you be embarrassed or ashamed if this was your brother or no?
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