If mandatory covid19 vaccines became a comply or die situation, would you accept or reject it and is Jerry Day the wisest anti vaccination man?

If mandatory covid19 vaccines became a comply or die situation, would you accept or reject it and is Jerry Day the wisest anti vaccination man?https://www.freedomtaker.com/
Please watch this 11 and a half video about Jerry Day exposing vaccines and tell what you think!

Are you aware that you can legally refuse vaccines even if the government mandates them?

Here are some details about anti vaccination from freedomtaker.
People are not aware of this but this man is very informative and yes, you legally can say no even if vaccines became mandated. Did you know that?

Also, 50% of Americans plan to take the covid19 vaccine.


Please share your views upon these facts!
Accept and yes
Reject and yes
Accept and no
Reject and no
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If mandatory covid19 vaccines became a comply or die situation, would you accept or reject it and is Jerry Day the wisest anti vaccination man?
9 Opinion