Am I the only one, who sold his soul to mammon?

Am I the only one, who sold his soul to mammon?
ok, probably not. Because i saw a reddit post, where someone posted his or her unpopular opinion, that for him or her money is absolutely everything and trumps family and love. And for the most part (like 95%) i agree with that opinion. Link to it is below.

there is also some bible verse i heard before but I'm not religious. It goes like one cannot serve both god and mammon (money 💵) and that one can only end up serving one and hating the other. Well, don't look at me like that. Money did more for me and the people than anything else. And they say, that money (and mammon and wanting money) is evil.
Am I the only one, who sold his soul to mammon?
Everything has a price. Even true love has a price in one way or another, financially or otherwise. I never met a problem, that couldn't be solved with green papers.
Am I the only one, who sold his soul to mammon?

i too sold my soul to mammon
no, you're not the only one, who sold his soul to mammon. i know someone, who did that too
yeah, you are the only one, who sold his soul to mammon
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Am I the only one, who sold his soul to mammon?
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