Is the white pride movement racist/problematic?

In my opinion it is because when I think of the movement it makes me think of the kkk and other hate group terrorists. It seems like the white people that participate in white pride aren’t connected to their original culture and so the only thing they can connect with is being white. And all white pride people I’ve met are racist 100% from my observation.

Asking this question for discussion.

Also for anyone who’s wondering, the person in the picture is a white supremest and is displaying a hate symbol that originates from the white supremest neo nazi prison gang “Aryan Nations”

The last example photos are ones of trump supporting terrorists raiding the capitol with confederate flags.
Is the white pride movement racist/problematic?
Is the white pride movement racist/problematic?
Is the white pride movement racist/problematic?
Is the white pride movement racist/problematic?
68 Opinion