Did you read the report that showed COVID death rates (deaths per/100000 people) were 6 times lower in those with mask mandates?

Apparently mask mandates work. Now you might ask why didn't we see this disparity between states and counties that did and didn't impose mask mandates in the US. The reason is simple: there is a lot more interstate commerce than international travel on a per person basis so if one state acts irresponsibly, the neighboring ones are going to get fucked over even if they act responsibly. Some of you will probably say "wait if sick people come in from other states but masks prevent the spread of COVID, why would that matter if the sick people have to wear masks". Simple: masks decrease the probability of spreading the disease (the beta variable in the SIR model), they don't prevent the spread entirely. The rate at which new people are infected (dI/dt) is dependent on the probability of spreading it AND the total number of people infected. While a mask mandate in a state could on its' own keep the spread rate down, you will still have more infected people coming in from other states to drive up the new infection rate. This highlights why far more responses should have been enacted at the federal versus the state level and any fight against a pandemic is a collective one first and an individual one second.
Did you read the report that showed COVID death rates (deaths per/100000 people) were 6 times lower in those with mask mandates?
This is America, if you want the government to tell you what to do, go to China.

The CCP didn't tell people not to cram wild animals so close together in cage that they shit, piss, spit and bleed all over each other which is why we're in this predicament in the first place.
Did you read the report that showed COVID death rates (deaths per/100000 people) were 6 times lower in those with mask mandates?
39 Opinion