Do you ever sometimes feel happy for other peoples success even if it's been a failure related to your own life?

Do you ever sometimes feel happy for other peoples success even if its been a failure related to your own life?
This is kind of hard to explain. I'm asking do you feel happy when others succeeded where you failed? Or do you feel jealous/envious/spiteful when others succeed where you failed?

I brought this up because I sometimes feel upset about how short I ended up, and how romance, dating, relationships, women, etc., are literally unobtainable for me. (Real actual relationships, not me simping to a gold-digger, drug addict, cheater, or an abuser, or someone.)

Although I feel bad my own chances for love are literally impossible unless I can somehow find a way to grow taller in my 30s, I'm starting to feel happy for other guys who do find happiness with someone despite their own setbacks. Like tall men who used to struggle talking with women or needed to mature more first or something. The old me would've been jealous and spiteful. But for some reason, I'm now happy for their success, even if it also makes me feel a little sad for my own locked fate.

Does anyone else ever feel happy when others succeed where you can't?

Maybe this question is even stupid and I shouldn't have asked it... I'm just curious. If it's dumb, I'll erase it in 24 hours.
Do you ever sometimes feel happy for other peoples success even if it's been a failure related to your own life?
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