Poor people are evil 😈. Agree or disagree?

From my experience as a nurse and going into homes to assist with care for people who recieve food stamps, section 8, and many other government assistance programs are evil af. I've witness them neglecting , abusing, and just downright not being good parents. a lot of them keep having kids they know they can't care for just to keep a man or woman. Or they use their kids to recieve funding. They also lie, cheat, steal, and kill. I had to report several in my lifetime to child protective services, adult protective services , and legal advisors. On top of that they are users, don't try to improve their lives and will only drag you down. They are very entitled. Video below of her perspective of why you should stay away from poor people.

Poor people are evil 😈. Agree or disagree?
Yes poor people are evil
No poor people are not evil
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+1 y
Don't come on my post arguing and asking me or telling me I should change my opinion. I'm not asking you to change yours , correct? I'm asking yout own personal opinion without passing judgement on your opinion. Those who wanna argue and tell me to change my mind comment deleted
+1 y
@motownplayer2000 your comment deleted goodbye 👋🏾
Poor people are evil 😈. Agree or disagree?
45 Opinion