Who agree Chinese people deserves better than this?

Probably we all heard of one-child policy in China that was stopped at 2016. Personally, I recall hearing about it as child and suprised that people complied _because it really does unpleasant being told what to do for one's natural right. Having not known much as little girl I just felt chills over some having to enter jail for having a child.

Now, as grownup, I want to spat at Chinese government for controlling women's wombs.

They blamed decreasing birth rate back in the late 40s in the last century on women's education.

An unknown person on Weibo said infamously "So, no more foot-binding but brain-binding now?" The dude hit the bullseye! Why blame it on women?

Chinese government restricted reproductive rights by one-child policy, forced contraception, abortion and ligation particularly in the 80s and 90s.

Forced sizing of possessions for resisting the one-child policy was just plain tyranny.

China is a very toxic environment to grow up in, men are either giant babies or shivering quails (some exception are for the lucky ones) and women don't gets to shine fully with the restrictions.

Patriotism is admirable but loving your country when it only abused them is clearly manipulation higher-ups pulled or Chinese cultural teaching having to be separated from modern education.

So Chinese people, specifically women deserves better than a country that's fast to blame and exploit them.

As much as of a great power and production China holds, the leaders has to be splashed with lava over their heartless and inconsiderate ways.

I was scared that internet and Weibo is being tracked, are citizens pets? Clearly China had never gone out of the almighty emperor's period.

Sorry for anyone of Chinese origin, but how can you keep loving your country in such conditions?

I do choose immigration, when I reach, without a second thought with such a crazy government 🤢
Yeah, the government in China is abusive
No, you're overacting
Mind your own business
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Who agree Chinese people deserves better than this?
8 Opinion