Should I give up on making online friends?


Online friends are a complete freaking waste of time for me. I blocked everyone when I found out they supported Israel, and it was only when I unblocked them that I pretended to support Israel to 'fit in' with their squad (tbh, MOST of my friends and even some of my family support Israel, even though I personally support Palestine). Many of them are Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate stans.

So I found out this guy that I blocked and unblocked apparently DOESN'T want to be my friend anymore. He is a prejudiced, racist, anti-Muslim Mexican dude who is younger than me and hooked up with my former female Mexican co-worker. I am no longer liking Mexicans because of their stupid attitudes, and this girl blocked me a long time ago.

I want to date ARAB AND ARMENIAN girls and befriend Meditteraneans/Middle Easterners ONLY from now on. The rest in western culture are all clueless/useful IDIOTS.

However, this guy's friend seems to be 100% cool with me even though I blocked him previously. I only started unblocking because one of my other friends starting sharing some shit about Andrew Tate and I finally found something I disagreed with a fellow Tate criticizer.

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So this very guy has finally denied my friend request. HIS profile on Instagram is PRIVATE and I think now he has me blocked on Snapchat too? I kinda forgot his username but either way I can't seem to find it. He is a JERK and he will ALWAYS be an anti-Muslim jerk.
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The only other girls I will want to date in the LONG term OUTSIDE of my own culture (Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, etc) are Asians... and even then, ONLY traditional, non-Hollywood-obsessed Asians... especially East Asians
Should I give up on making online friends?
1 Opinion