Do you think I should do a (non professional) advice podcast?

I don’t really use social media so I have no platform, no following, I’d essentially be starting as a complete no one and it likely wouldn’t take off a bit- but I think it’d be fun to try. I love answering questions bc it really gives me insight into how people relate connect and deal with the world around them.

I naturally spend much of the day reflecting on matters, on matters , I love acting & the practice of into others situations as if it were my own & people seem appreciate my perspective out in the world, so I don't know considering it. & If it DID get done traction, well, wouldn’t that be awesome 😅

I am sure there’s some logistical problem where you can’t just give advice or everyone probably would do it but I don't know if you qualify it “ for fun” there must be a space. Otherwise I have to get a phd in psych first I guess 😂

Do you think I should do a (non professional) advice podcast?
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1 y
I work at a “learning recovery center” for people with PTSD. I’m used to facilitating discussions in trauma, & sometimes after a good session, I think, shame not reach a wider audience esp considering so many don’t have access to any kind of in person support, but yeah doing anything online is a completely different beast. And yesterday it seemed like a great idea, then this morning, I started thinking of what actually would go into it esp technical equipment & trolling 😂 now ehhh I don't know
1 y
OK so talking to a friend, she reminded me I do not have to start off with videos at all. I can do podcast- which automatically diminishes about 96% of my concerns which were mostly the possibility of stalking- cuz I’ve heard horror stories. So, I am once again seriously considering doing it. As well, I just realized of course if I do I can invite you all😃

tho no pressure😉

Thinking of a title tho. I had one but it was more fitting for video, not audio 🧐

Ideas welcome 🤗
Do you think I should do a (non professional) advice podcast?
Post Opinion