Schoolgirls in tears after teacher measures their skirts - thoughts?

Schoolgirls in tears after teacher measures their skirts - thoughts?

This happened at the Rainford High School in St. Helens, United Kingdom - female students have been sent home with the threat of expulsion when a male teacher measured their skirts and found some to be too short or too long.

Now the parents are the protesting and considering suing the school, while their daughters face additional sanctions and possible expulsion because of this.


I don't know exactly what to make of this situation. The school my wife and I frequented had similar uniforms, and I remember some girls like my wife "clipping" their skirts during the summer to make them shorter, and nobody said anything about it. On the other hand, I've learned that now girls that go to my former school can choose whenever to wear skirts or slacks like the boys.

Schoolgirls in tears after teacher measures their skirts - thoughts?
21 Opinion