Have you ever drank tap water and thought to yourself 'wow I think im more gay than usual after drinking this water'?


Yup you are reading that question correctly and no this is not a troll post. a Ron Desentis appointee to new Disney oversight board, Ron Peri in Florida, who is also an Orlando-based former pastor thinks the tap water holds so much estrogen that it will make you gay!

“So why are there homosexuals today? There are any number of reasons, you know, that are given. Some would say the increase in estrogen in our societies. You know, there’s estrogen in the water from birth control pills. They can’t get it out. The level of testosterone in men broadly in America has declined by 50 points in the past 10 years. You know, and so, maybe that’s a part of it.” -- Ron Peri

Just look how gay this tap water is smh
Just look how gay this tap water is smh


and jic there's people here who think this guy is speaking any kind of sense whatsoever. news flash, he's nuts:

The consistently large MOEs and MOSs strongly suggest that prescribed and total estrogens that may potentially be present in drinking water in the United States are not causing adverse effects in U. S. residents, including sensitive subpopulations.


You know what? i think so! im now physically attracted to my own sex than the opposite sex after drinking tap water. i am living proof!
uhh no this is ridiculous!
I haven't drank tap water in a long time so i got no idea actually!
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Have you ever drank tap water and thought to yourself 'wow I think im more gay than usual after drinking this water'?
12 Opinion