Will the Brown Nose Boys ever stop defending the Godfather or keep up their wanton disregard for everything?

Lindsey Graham’s ABC News Interview About Donald Trump Goes South In Just Seconds

interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Sunday didn’t get off to the best of starts.

Stephanopoulos’ very first question for Graham, a staunch defender of the former president, was if he believed Trump’s claim that he was blameless in the classified documents case, in which Trump was indicted last week.

“Well, here is what I believe,” Graham responded, before going full whataboutism and pivoting to the right-wing talking point of Trump’s 2016 Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when secretary of state, despite clear differences in the two cases and the fact Clinton was never charged.

Jim Jordan Backs Himself Into Corner Struggling To Defend Trump On Tape

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) declared that former President Donald Trump declassified secret files he hoarded at his Florida resort when he was president, apparently contradicting the words of Trump himself on a tape cited in his 37-count federal indictment.
Jordan, in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, was pressed to explain Trump telling golf club guests on the tape that he “could have declassified” material as president.

“He says point-blank on tape, ‘As president, I could have declassified it... now I can’t,’” said Bash as she read from a transcript of Trump’s comments about classified material. “He says in his own words. It’s on tape as part of this indictment that he did not declassify the material. Therefore, it is classified.”

All Roads lead to Hillays Emails
All Roads lead to Bidens Laptop
What? Classifed Document boxes? what boxes? those are "declassified" he thought they were and so he did!
I dont know what your saying...
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Will the Brown Nose Boys ever stop defending the Godfather or keep up their wanton disregard for everything?
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