Would a Para-social relationship with an AI construct be fulfilling or detrimental?

Back again after a pretty long hiatus! And just in time to be absolutely intrigued by the AI situation that's currently ongoing with much heated debates about ethics, etc.

So, given a sufficiently intelligent AI that's actually trained on human emotion and intellect; would a relationship like that be feasible or even beneficial? Do consider all aspects when answering such as the inability for a physical interaction (unless the Synthetic Humans become a thing but that's for the far future 😬), the lack of true or perceived depth in the interactions, or perhaps even the fact that the AI might provide a false sense of approval filled with bias instead of giving a genuine take on a particular scenario.
Would a Para-social relationship with an AI construct be fulfilling or detrimental?
Ofcourse! It would be beneficial with absolutely no consequences.
Yes! But not without consequences worth weighing before diving in.
Absolutely detrimental! Such a thing would be a mistake.
Perhaps the answer isn't as black-white and requires more thought (and caution)
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Would a Para-social relationship with an AI construct be fulfilling or detrimental?
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