Anyone else get the feeling that some women genuinely want civil war?


Are they calling for men’s blood? Crying about no real men anymore. Or the feminists who hate men.

If climate change is a concern, when a country is torn apart in a globalized world, it shrinks everyone’s economy. There would be mass starvation on the losing side amongst surviving women and children, but that’s war. We’d globally consume less, win for the environment. Rich on the losing side would lose money, but oh well. The rich on the winning side will still profit, though their gains would be less than the losing side’s loses. M:F ratio would take a nose dive and there will be far more women to go around. Guys, you won’t have to worry about finding a girl anymore, at least for those of us left standing. Most of the brave men will die first, and ladies will be stuck fighting over the “heroes”, leftovers, and cowards who did whatever they could to avoid their duty. Politicians on both sides try to defund rule of law (lower taxes and BLM bull shit). Pushing diversity with immigration discriminating against the majority while wages stagnate creating racial resentment. Seems like they both want civil war.

Maybe it’s a resentment kind of thing. If I can’t have his attention, then you can’t either kind of thing. You got women advocating for open relationships and refusing to date. I guess it’s just too exhausting to put out or put themselves out there AND own/maintain a household. You got others floating around from dick to dick while others complain about those same men not giving a shit about maintaining their surroundings. Complaining about guys making less when the law literally discriminates in women’s favor TO make more than men.

Nope, I get the feeling women are trying to prevent war with their pussies. And they’re failing, because they’re not all on the same page. Can’t take it out on them, that’s unethical. So, if we can’t be civil, then perhaps civil WAR it is.

Anyone else get the feeling that some women genuinely want civil war?
7 Opinion