Do you plan on marrying and have children? Why or why not?

For the people that don't want too marry or have kids, have you ever thought of the idea of being the one to kill your family tree?

If you are already married and have kids, is it how you'd imagine it to be?

Personally I do plan on marrying, it's a decision I actually made at a younger age, that for me it's only right to find one woman and reproduce with her and keep the family tree going, I want to participate in my family tree, my family tree can go for centuries beyond me, I wouldn't want to be the one to cut that line for my own selfish reasons, as time goes by you left nothing, just forgotten over time until there no trace of the existence of you or anyone you are related too, imagine so far in time where you'll be related to someone so far in the future that they have a bit of every single culture on the planet and you were the puzzle piece for (whatever culture you are from) in their bloodline.
Do you plan on marrying and have children? Why or why not?
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