TURN ON RED or only after STOP?

TURN ON RED or only after STOP?

Back in the late 1970s, there was a gasoline crisis, as OPEC limited the amount of oil they produced... to keep prices high.

In the United States, to reduce the amount of the limited supplies of gasoline used (there were long lines at the pumps), a nationwide speed limit of 55 mph was imposed (later rescinded), and right-on-red-after-stop laws were passed.

Over time, other countries have passed similar right-on-red laws, or left-on-red-laws for those countries that drive on the left. Let's generically call it a turn-on-red law.

In the United States, right-on-red-after-stop is allowed in most states, typically without a sign telling you it's okay to do it, with some notable exceptions. For example, right-on-red-after-stop is not allowed in New York City... unless there's a (rare) sign saying it's okay.

In Australia, the equivalent left-on-red (Aussies drive on the other side of the road) is only allowed where a sign says it's okay.

Many drivers either do not know the law or don't care. They see turn-on-red allowed and turn without stopping, sometimes creating a dangerous situation for pedestrians and other vehicles.

What about you? Does your country have a turn-on-red law and does it require stopping first? Do you stop first, or just turn on red?

Feel free to vote in the poll and leave an opinion below.

My country has a turn-on-red-after stop law, I stop
My country has a turn-on-red-after stop law, I don't stop
My country has a turn-on-red law, stopping is not required
My country has a turn-on-red law, stopping is not required, I stop anyway
My country does not have a turn-on red law
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TURN ON RED or only after STOP?
16 Opinion