Why I feel people don’t like softness anymore?

Hellooo with all the suffering in this world I was wondering why softness is usually depicted as boring and weak? I explain: I feel like I’m lonely in my love for tenderness and tender people!! I’ve never like all those « bad ass » characters in movies I just don’t like rudeness and violence in general.. I prefer gentle people. I also like things like chivalry 🫣 and other girls shame me for this but I don’t get what is so shameful? (Please girls here give me your thoughts!! 🤓🙏) so, naturally, I want a tender relationship but a guy friend told me I was going to end up alone because of this? WTH? (Guys are welcome here🙃) do you prefer to get wiped instead of gently touched?😱 because, if yes, I don’t judge but just so I know I have to end up alone , thank you for your time 🤓🫡
Why I feel people don’t like softness anymore?
4 Opinion