Has Passport Bro movement deflate modern Western women's values at all?


It's no secret that the value of the modern Western women have been highly inflated since the social media era has begun to take off. However, there are a handful of men who has begun to look for a partner overseas, particularly at third world countries where there are more women than men. And needless to say, a lot of men who participated in the Passport Bro movement are happier leaving the Western dating pool for women overseas.

There are some women who voice their displeasure over the movement on social media. However, I personally don't see Passport Bros making that much of a difference. The modern women still think that they are God's gifts to men. Then again, I am not a huge participator in social media. I also don't talk to people much anymore, and for good measures. So I wouldn't really know what has changed, if there are any changes.

I am not a firm believer in the Passport Bros movement, but something has to change. The modern Western women's ego and delusional mentality is something that needs to be addressed. They think that they are perfect just for existing and that they deserve the best men and only the best men. Hence why we are seeing a majority of women competing for the same 2% of men in the United States. And what's even more absurd is that the modern women are willing to share chads. Divorce rates were at an all time high. It only wasn't because marriage rates are now at its all time low.

I don't care if it's Passport Bros or AI girlfriend. Something needs to change. It's time for the modern Western women to come live in reality and know that they are not as perfect as social media has the ability to make them as such.

Has Passport Bro movement deflate modern Western women's values at all?
9 Opinion