Won't the world someday eventually end like the ending of Terminator 3, where the nukes worldwide are unleashed 😋🥲?


I mean after watching Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines in cinemas/theatres when it came out in 2003/2004 and on DVD a few times ever since, I mean I watched Civil War (2024) recently and I reminded myself how, even if let's say unrelatedly the world was controlled by illuminati, or by puppet masters behind the scenes, or by political masters ever since the dawn of modern times or like Resident Evil The Final Chapter or Twilight's Last Gleaming, those movies all commonly ended with the nukes worldwide being used to just end the world and either start afresh for humanity or leave the Earth a winter rock or a smouldering globe. Accidentally, deliberately or coincidentally, will the world ever end someday by worldwide nukes "just because the world has run its course/overpopulation/boredom" if there were political masters, lizard people, etc lol? Those nutcase tinfoil hat wearers so I just had to ask the question 😋🥲 that way I don't go thinking in years or decades ahead "shrug, the world's gonna end someday anyways, climate change, overpopulation, greed, rude people, ha, cringes and sweats and sighs" 😔😯😆

A lot of movies tend to have that ending it seems, maybe that's all of our eventual futures and fates
Nah, that'll never happen thankfully, so no need to ever worry
All just works of fiction thankfully
Maybe the world is run behind the scenes by nutcases, so who knows
All just conspiracy theories to sell a fast buck or sell a subscription magazine/agenda lol 😆
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Especially I notice about Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines' the film just depicts an ordinary day, of ordinary goings on, and even John Connor thought it was just another day apart from his earlier slipping on a motorcycle from a deer, ouch 🤕😳 just an ordinary day. Anyways I'll try not to think of lizard people and that i should ever think there'll ever be a doomsday lol phew 😌😅
Won't the world someday eventually end like the ending of Terminator 3, where the nukes worldwide are unleashed 😋🥲?
7 Opinion