Is it true that americans hold the jews as a superior race?

It came to me attention that according to the average American, the jews are superior (e. g. to the Arabs or Africans). They think that if you are born rich and you go to a better university and get better achievements than people who are born poor and cannot study, then it's because of racial superiority of such race that has better achievements.

The jews are in the top percentiles in america because they are rich.

Is it true that according to america's racist culture, claiming that the Arabs are equal human beings (e. g. by saying "Free Palestine from the river to the sea), amount to anti-semitism because it means to deny the presumpt racial superiority of the jews?

Yes, americans are racists and they hold the jews as superior
No, americans are not racists and they hold the jews as equal
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As a whole, Jews are a relatively high-income group. About one-in-four Jews (23%) say they have family incomes of $200,000 or more. By comparison, just 4% of U. S. adults report that level of household income.45
Is it true that americans hold the jews as a superior race?
Post Opinion