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myTakes: Society & Politics

Fixing the societal Missunderstanding of Inequality.

Stop using the word "inequality" incorrectly! So to prefice this: i do not believe that formal education should be a marker of quality of an argument. Arguments should stand on their own but i do have a degree in social...

Pollution has caused more human suffering than the holocaust

For over a century, lead spewed from car exhaust pipes silently infiltrated our environment. Leaded gasoline, banned in the US in 1996, was a primary culprit in lead contamination [3]. Particles from exhaust settled onto...

"Considering the varying cultural and societal norms regarding modesty, how appropriate is it to wear short clothing in public settings?"

In contemporary times, we observe stringent regulations concerning women's attire in public places like gyms and streets. Historically, when men were granted greater freedoms, some unfortunately indulged in inappropriate...

The wins in Ukraine vs. Russia

Ukraine or Russia, ways to measure who is winning if we use certain methods, to measure who is "winning", that is like the innings in baseball. we don't know who won until the end of the ninth inning, but we can measure,...

Yes America needs a complete reformation and it's time we stop pretending that America is a free country, when it's actually a dystopia

Hey folks, it's me again. I know I haven't been active as much and the reason is that times have changed, I no longer have time to actually be on this site as much anymore. Now that I finally graduated from college and...

Raising retirement age

i specify: the topic is not retirement benefits but age! 1, shapiro, known as conservative, spoke about retirement age. people use their free speech n video platforms to paraphrase wrongly or pretend to know his...

Biden keeps mentioning January 6 hoping you forgot

reminder, the House accused so senate judged... ruling Trump innocent, even innocent of incite insurrection, certainly not trump doing insurrection. they couldn't convince the senate because trump ACTIVELY separated in a...

I feel jealous of athletes' tax rates

my job in hi tec, not my personal salary, but common salary $65,000 per year. based on tax bracket i pay 9600 each year for federal besides state and city tax. so can keep $55,000 for expenses. in contrast to wealthy...

Pollution has made humanity less intelligent

People generally like to believe we are the most highly evolved we have ever been. From my research I have seen that people think evolution is ongoing. And most people who think they know how it works don't know how it...

Why to people hate Donald Trump

Sure. There are a lot of of people don’t like Donald Trump. Yep, his personality and his moral character put off many people. Many people dislike him so much that, even though they can't name anything they object to about...

What will the future of humankind be like. I don't like what I'm thinking.

If I were better educated, I could have thought this out better, but here is the framework. Prognosticators like Elon Musk are predicting AI will become self-aware take over much of non-physical digital human activity,...

Feel free to deny it. Alpha males do exist.

Feel Free to Deny It. Alpha Males Are Real Hey there, skeptics! We've all heard the debates, read the articles, and maybe even engaged in a few heated discussions about the existence of alpha males. Some dismiss it as an...

Russia is winning, and winning big

Do you notice that hype about the Ukrainian counter-offensive died down around October? When I posted about this a month or two ago, there were several comments that I was not saying what the credible sources were saying,...

Thinking about the long term

There seems to be a massive disconnect in my personal opinion. So, let me make sure that I understand this right. I can, without proving beyond a reasonable doubt and without due process of law, take away every democrat’s...

Is there a two-state solution in israel?

Regardless of any historical perspective or contrivance The PA/Hamas and the nation of Israel cannot occupy the same space or share a common border. The Palestinian Arabs cannot allow it. Any two-state “solution” can at...

Americans That Other Americans Don't Know Are Americans

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is an Unincorporated territory of the United States. It's not a State but it's not exactly independent either. In any case, people born there are granted US Citizenship at...

Stop saying "boycotts don't work" or "nothing has changed".

No real humanitarian, and especially no real Palestine supporter, says along the lines of these, or thinks Palestine is trendy. In fact, Yemen and Congo are already in the same situation as the Gaza and West Bank parts of...

It's Not "Fear-Mongering", "Vote-Shaming", or "Bullying": Voting For a Third-Party Presidential Candidate in the United States of America is Useless.

On November 4th, 2008, for the first time in my life, I voted in a nationwide election for a sovereign state. I voted for the independent candidate, Ralph Nader, who won 0.56% of the popular vote, but more importantly, he...

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is a Horrifying Mess-And It Always Has Been.

In 2014, I made a Facebook Status update about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and since I’m a straight shooter, I’ll tell you all right now I was ignorant on the entire affair, and after pondering on the Hamas/Israel...

The common motivation behind capitalism and communism

Background Capitalism originated in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, gaining prominence in the 18th and 19th centuries with the Industrial Revolution. It's characterized by private ownership, free markets,...