Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to


I barely entered the world of social media in 2014. I simultaneously created a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account. Before that, I thought social media was overrated. Then I realized I can keep in touch with all my friends I know(assuming they have social media.) I admit that I frequented Facebook, I always commented on posts and became well known on the pages I followed. Well, nowadays I decreased my visits.

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

1.) I’m very opinionated

Even here on GAG, I’m a very opinionated person. I am very open with my views and interests. If I disagreed with someone I would debate with the person in a civilized manner. I always liked posting comments on controversial posts. Surprisingly, most people would agree with me. However, my friends would soon know about my personal views and interests for one reason...

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

2.) Comments appear on friends’ newsfeed

This is the main reason why I don’t use Facebook as much. Face book has a very unnecessary feature where commenting on a post shows up on your friends’ newsfeed by saying “so and so commented on this” and it shows your comment. I’m not sure if there is a way to deactivate that feature but hopefully Facebook adds the option to deactivate that feature later on. So yes, this is why my friends would start to know about my views.

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

3.) Politics are brought into everything

Even in the most unlikely posts, someone has to bring in politics. I remember reading a post that was talking about German beer in California and some guy commented by condemning the Germans for invading Poland. Most of the political comments are liberals taking cheap shots at conservatives.

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

4.) A lot of distasteful keyboard warriors

The one thing, that can’t stand is people who like to act “big cheese” behind a computer screen by constantly going around and insulting people for no reason, they get offended when someone puts them in their place.

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

5.) Fake female friend requests

I know they are fake accounts because the women who send me friend requests are way too hot to be real. They are catfishes. Catfishes can be dangerous people http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2528570/Stalker-revenge-falling-catfish-internet-dating-hoax-sentenced-five-years-prison.html

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

6.) Family members

I did not think that many of my family members actually use Facebook, which include my aunts, uncles, cousins etc. Thankfully my parents don’t use Facebook but it is very awkward knowing that my family members are keeping tabs on me through Facebook.

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to

7.) Still use use Facebook but...

While I still use Facebook, I have decreased my activity on there. I don’t comment on posts from pages I follow anymore. I don’t share as many posts anymore, I don’t post that many pictures anymore. I don’t write many posts anymore. I primarily use Facebook to keep in touch with my old friends. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll use it like I used to. The good news is that I can still use Twitter and Instagram without feeling awkward.

Why I Don’t Use Facebook as Much as I Used to
15 Opinion