425 opinions shared on Technology & Internet topic. Ancient Egyptians knew the Earth was a sphere - there are plenty of ways to prove it, but the fact that ships "sank" on the horizon, or that shadows were in different places at the same time of day at different latitudes were all clear signs.
Most flat-earthers are literally just kidding and baiting people, but there ARE idiots who genuinely believe it, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, and despite having none of their own.00 Reply
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The Earth is an oblate spheroid and is neither flat not spherical, mmm'kay?
00 Reply
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A sphere. Ancient seafaring men knew about this because the mast on a ship on the horizont appeared first, the whole ship only became visible when it drew closer. But they had to keep this a secret because of Church doctrine and persecution.
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It might be slightly elliptical meaning it’s not a full out perfect sphere
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
756 opinions shared on Technology & Internet topic. You know, there was a time not so long ago that people were outraged at the thought of the earth being round. They actually killed someone because he kept saying it.
Point being... it's a repeat narrative; say it enough times and people will start believing it.
If you look at this question with an open mind, there is evidence that speaks both ways. The reality is, there isn't a single person reading this thread that can justify an absolution either way. Their only reasoning is "that's what I've been told"15 Reply- +1 y
I know it's crazy 100s of years ago it was confirmed the world was round with far less technology than what's available these days all the flat earthers disappeared then the whole idea kicked off again during times there are far more ways to scientifically proove the world is round!
00 Reply I've been in enough high altitude aircraft to see the curvature of the Earth myself.
Sir Francis Drake knew it was round almost 500 years ago too.
I'm boggled that anyone could think such a silly thing... but people are stupid. You can't fix stupid.00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
There are people who think the Twin Towers collapsed because a plane hit them too and its considerably more obvious that that isn't true compared to what shape the Earth is.
At least those who think the Earth might be flat realise that a spherical Earth would be more likely to roll off the back of the turtle.03 Reply- +1 y
No one believes the Twin Towers collapsed because an aeroplane hit them. They believe they collapsed because two aeroplanes hit them, and the one that hit the Pentagon was either invisible, or all of the security cameras at one of the most securely guarded places on the face of the Earth were switched off at the time, with the exception of just one that shows absolutely nothing.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
@Silas_153 Maybe we should be asking the clairvoyants working for the BBC who reported that WTC7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it happened even though it was clearly visible in the backdrop.
- +1 y
Round and cute.
10 Reply - +1 y
I love flat earth videos and documentaries. It's like watching a "so bad it's good" movie. I laugh like you wouldn't believe. They are that stupid that they entertain me. Horseshit doesn't always have to make you mad. Sometimes it can bring you joy.
10 Reply - +1 y
Yeah I’m still working on truly accepting the fact they exist. I really try to not laugh but it’s still confusing
00 Reply Come on! Everybody knows it's in the shape of shrek 🤌
10 Reply- +1 y
I don't think anyone really believes the Earth is flat.
They are trolls or what not. I doubt they really, deep down believe that.01 Reply - +1 y
The Earth is not flat.
00 Reply Is this a question that really needs to be asked? We've known the true shape of the Earth ever since the time of Eratosthenes in the 3rd century B. C. Only complete idiots believe the Earth is flat.
00 Reply1.6K opinions shared on Technology & Internet topic. It's neither.
Earth is actually an oblate spheroid.14 Reply- New +1 y
@Silas_153 So then, it's round and not flat!
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@FunkyMonkee It's obviously not flat.
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@Silas_153 I know!
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Anyone who thinks it's flat must have a flat head!!
00 Reply - +1 y
Anyone who thinks the earth is flat, must be a total retard. But I know they exist, lol.. 😂
10 Reply Those are the people who would traditionally have been eaten by a sabertooth cat.
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
I think that the overwhelming majority of people who say that the earth is flat are just having fun with people like you
00 Reply - +1 y
Sphere, but I do think Elvis is still alive 😃
00 Reply 502 opinions shared on Technology & Internet topic. It's a dodecahedron - obviously.
00 Reply- +1 y
i thought you are joking
00 Reply The Earth is round.
00 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Technology & Internet topic. Nope
00 Reply- +1 y
00 Reply
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