WOW!!! Can it be NOW Thieves are Finding another Source to Target Goods from Delivery Trucks and Trains full of Packages?

WOW!!! Can it be NOW Thieves are Finding another Source to Target Goods from Delivery Trucks and Trains full of Packages?
******Goodies Off the Containers from the Ships that Finally Get Loaded and On their Way to be Delivered to Waiting customers!!! How many of YOU are Still Waiting for a Delivery? My Sister Never Received her Hundreds Dollar Sneakers She Ordered months ago. Now, On top of Ships at Sea, This To See!!! Any Thoughts? xx
Absolutely, Paris!
Nothing, Paris!
Look down Below, Paris!
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WOW!!! Can it be NOW Thieves are Finding another Source to Target Goods from Delivery Trucks and Trains full of Packages?
36 Opinion