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myTakes: Trending & News

5 Reasons Why Living Next to a Celeb is NOT Fun!

I share a postcode with a famous person (who I am not naming) and whilst many of you may think that sounds glamorous, I am here to tell you it is NOT! 1. They think they are better than you. 2. They drive like a maniac...

A woman in a communal pool swimsuit shamed into leaving

...Why? Because she would 'Excite teenage boys'. Mothers and fathers complained - even though it's a community pool for which she and her fiance also pay - the upkeep every month... The main complaint was that it looked...

Daniel Day-Lewis Is Retiring from Acting

His representatives announced today Daniel Day-Lewis is retiring. The 60-year-old actor has had many successes and he is widely known as one of the best actors ever (not just 'of his generation'). Due to his...

Role reversal: A terrorist Attack by a White Briton

What has happened in London, (if it isn't a false flag), is something that has been engineered by generations of politicians that have allowed things to progressively get worse and worse as they told us all immigration...

The Left's Hypocrisy over the Grenfell Tower Fire Incident

I’m sure most of you have heard about the Grenfell tower fire in London in which scores of people have been killed. What stands out in all of this is that the left are trying to turn this into a political issue blaming...

Wales Pedophile Caught Via "The Hunted One" Group

A 92 year old man who accused of sexual grooming of children under the age of 13 in Whales the other day. It was documented he asked for explicitly sexual content from 11 and 12 year old girls on the internet chatrooms....

Comey's public and under oath lands some fairly honest punches to the not so perfect Left

Let's face they were slow punches but fair. Did Bill Clinton's tarmac meeting influence his reopening of the email scandal. His answer was a hard yes. Throughout his carrer Comey has been involved ina Clinton...

Trump the Troll

Trump, obviously, fancies himself a master manipulator. The main conclusion in Trump-s presidency is that his Tweets are meant to distract people from the hundreds of scandals he created...and is trying to get himself out...

London Attacks - Insensitive Donald Trolls Again

Donald...didn't get what the mayor of London was he too to Twitter and tried to set into the web-light his own understanding of what happened. Mayor's statement: "Londoners will see an increased police...

What The U. S. A. Is Going To Be Missing Out On The facts of what the exit from the Paris agreement ultimately means for America. - being at the forefront of renewable energy harnessing and distribution (thriving economy) -...

Paris Climate Accord - Still Safe if Trump Stops Being the President After 2020

Paris Climate Accord: Mankind's fight to slow down the effects of climate change. It's a voluntary program which America designed... Since America entered the agreement in 2016, within the laws of the agreement it can't...

Trump Is Okay With Ruining the Earth As Long As America Becomes 'Great Again'

Electing to exit the Paris agreement Trump basically put America first. There would be no problem with that...if the fact that he's dooming millions of people to death and, of course, ruining the Earth in the process. He...

Mayor of Austin responds to the Wonderwoman controversy after receiving a notable letter from a protester

Mayor of Austin, Texas, Steve Adler responded to a shrill letter writer on his website today. Robert A Tobiansky/Getty Images for SXSW As the Two-Way reported earlier this week, some men are quite perturbed about a...

Memorial Day: Let's Remember Why It Is A Holiday

Many of us will be enjoying cookouts or a day at the beach on Memorial Day. I am NOT opposed to having a good time on Memorial Day. It is a great holiday to get together with family and friends. It is also a three day...

Muslims United For Manchester: The Heartwarming Compassion From The Local Muslim Community

After the Manchester carnage some people were accused of exploiting the news of a terror attack to spread fear and prejudice against ALL Muslims , but the rest of social media praised Muslims for their compassion, support...

Some Words About the Manchester Suicide Bombing

What can I say about Manchsetser what I haven't said about Germany, Belgium, Sweden and France many times? What I will never understand is why does it surprise so many people? And the same people are more concerned about...

The World Needs a Drink: A Poem to the people of Manchester and The World I was listening to this song earlier tonight. I started thinking not only of the Manchester Attacks,but the current White House Scandal, North Korea Tensions, Middle East...

US President kicks off first foreign trip abroad by using his trademark term 'Loser' to describe Islamic and homegrown Terrorists

Look I don't think any of us are trying to champion terrorists but we were certainly hoping for a more dignified address to the Manchester atrocity than simply using a podium to call the assailant, his go to move, a...

Fidget Spinners

So you know those little hand held toys that are all the rage right now? The ones that can be bought at $4 or $100? Yah those fidget spinners. Well here is myTake on them. The fidget spinner was invented by Catherine...

My Rant About Opinions on my Question on the Manchester Terrorist Attack

I posted my question last night about the Manchester Terrorist Attack. Over the past 17 hours there have been many send their condolences and prayers being civil on the matter. But, there are some smartass people who make...