My girlfriend said she doesn't see a future with me, but she kisses me, says she loves me, sleeps naked with me?

The past few months have been tough with my girlfriend. We are good around each other, but she has been increasingly into her phone, working late at work, and so forth. She said I missed the boat with her and doesn't see a future with me. She says she loves me and care very much. But she wasn't sure her feelings would change.

This last week she has been texting me, saying she is home, that she is going to get groceries if I wants anything. She calls me by my pet name. Lays her head on my chest naked.

We haven't had sex in a while too. Thoughts on us? What can I do to get that lovin' feeling back?
My girlfriend said she doesn't see a future with me, but she kisses me, says she loves me, sleeps naked with me?
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