7 Reasons Why Being a Single Pringle is Awesome!

7 Reasons Why Being a Single Pringle is Awesome!

Lets face it, these days everyone is getting in a relationship- and many of us feel left out. This happens to make us become many times insecure, and even sad. But hey! There are millions of reasons why being single can be awesome too!

1. Money

Relationships require spending a lot of money on each other; like dates, gifts, etc. Being single requires you to use your money for yourself. Just think how many things you could buy for yourself instead of another person.

2. Freedom

I'm not saying all relationships are like a prison but when your single, you can play the field. Get to know different kinds of people, and maybe it might result into Mr. Right/ Mrs. Right.

3. Friends

Now that you don't have someone to be with, you have SO MUCH time with your friends!!! You can do whatever you want - (don't kill anyone or do drugs ), and actually enjoy yourself with your homies.

7 reasons Why Being a Single Pringle is AWSOME!!!

4. Discoveries

Being single and spending a lot of time sometimes on your own can teach you things about yourself! Maybe you have a talent you never knew about. Plus you can do weird stuff without being jusged by a significant other.

5. Deal with his friends and family

You DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH his/her friends, and family.

6. Hobbies

Take time for yourself. Take that dance class you wanted, order random types of delicious foods, go play a sport, run a marathon, and live. Hey You do you!!!

7. Finally...

You don't have to go crazy trying to impress another. For example, grow out your beard, no shaving, waxing, threading, plucking, and could finally wear those really comftorable clothes- and not worry. (Of course - put on deodorant!!! And brush your teeth- and take a shower...duh... :) )

Hope you enjoyed myTake!

7 Reasons Why Being a Single Pringle is Awesome!
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