As a Tall Girl, 3 Big Problems I'd Have Dating Shorter Guys

As a Tall Girl, 3 Big Problems I'd Have Dating Shorter Guys

First things first, I have never actually dated anyone but I know, from being around guy friends who are a deal smaller than me I would find it awkward dating anyone their height. Before you all lash out its not because I do not find them attractive. In fact I find a lot of smaller men attractive. Despite this various reasons have made me a bit wary of doing so.


This is one of the main reasons I would have a problem. While I normally love my height - I even call myself Giant and Giraffe (6 foot 2 in case you were wondering) - when standing next to a boy quite a bit smaller than me i feel more insecure. This is probably due to the media telling us that men need to be taller than women and the other way around looks weird. I know it may seem superficial but it probably won't change. Especially because other people would look at it as quite weird. As well as this: I am always seeing pictures of how great small girls are, as they can be with anyone, yet there is till stigma surrounding tall girls.

As a Tall Girl, 3 Big Problems I'd Have Dating Shorter Guys

Weight Issues

No matter what I weigh, I will always feel fat, as I would have a bigger figure and more than likely have bigger size clothes, which would make me feel self-conscious of my weight. Even if I was not overweight, I would feel like I was because of the height difference. To be honest, I sometimes feel this way around girls as well and when I am towering over them. I feel big and clumsy.

As a Tall Girl, 3 Big Problems I'd Have Dating Shorter Guys


Obviously this doesn't really matter, but I like to wear shoes with a bit of a heel and can feel uneasy when wearing heels around smaller people. As well as this, I have been told by wearing flat shoes too much I could do damage to my spine because my feet turn inwards (no joke), so therefore it is better for my physical well-being to wear slightly heeled shoes, which can sometimes make me feel like a giant.

Thanks for reading this MyTake. I hope you understand and feel free to comment if you have any questions regarding it.

As a Tall Girl, 3 Big Problems I'd Have Dating Shorter Guys
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