The Classic Sibling Duo: Were Our Personalities Really That Different From Each Other Naturally?

My brother has always been the polar opposite of me in everything. I've always been the kind and easy one, and he's always been the terror.

The lovely easy me: The really well behaved one who never did anything wrong, and was the envy of the other parents. I was also a fair amount of a pushover, most especially with my family. In public, I was quite shy until I got older, and it took me years to start even speaking in a loud voice, let alone ever yelling anything.

My terrible, terrible, older brother: Arguing with and insulting our parents from day one. He was willing to destroy other people's boundaries at the drop of a hat. A hardcore socialite from birth. Yelling and talking to everyone he would do as often as he breathed (and still does).

That's actually a really common dynamic I see with other families and their kids too; one kid is super social and acts like a monster, and the other sibling is the polar opposite, and usually way more quieter and easier to handle...

Our parents, and other people have always said this was because we all were just different from each other naturally. It was just due to having extremely different personalties.

The Classic Sibling Duo: Were Our Personalities Really That Different From Each Other Naturally?

I don't believe that anymore at all. And I don't think it's a good or healthy thing either.

Especially after reading the new comments on my
MyTake: Why I Should Never Have Listened To Crazy People Or My Parents About Being Rebellious

I don't think my brother and I have extremely different personalities! I've thought about it a lot, and I think the real truth is that our parents forced us to have different traits by how they treated us when we were toddlers.

To make a long story short:

Since my brother was their firstborn, our parents were so excited to finally have a child that they gave him pretty much whatever he wanted, and complimented him nonstop.

My mom told me that by the time he hit toddler age, he was a nightmare. Even past the age of 2-3, my brother acted terribly; he was extremely self-centered, insulted everyone, and he even got kicked out of daycare for destroying things (the provider wanted him gone so badly, she gave our parents a full refund just so they would promise to never come back). To this day, he's one of the most self-centered people I've ever met.

When I was born, my brother was 4 going on 5 years old, so my parents had already dealt with years of his terrible behavior.

So with me, my mom (as she proudly told me years later) decided to treat me the exact opposite of how she treated my older brother; she never gave me anything I wanted, barely responded to me when I tried to ask for things, and ignored me when I cried (she was HUGE fan of the cry it out/timeout thing they had back then)...

So, where's the problem? I was the well-behaved one and this was obviously due to my mom treating me differently. What's so bad about that?

BECAUSE our parents made two people who would self-sabotage themselves!

One with a superiority complex, and one with an inferiority complex.

In other words, the personalities we've had all of our lives, were never our natural ones!

Long story short again:

My brother has had MANY issues with dealing with people. Boundaries and starting many, many, verbal fights just to name a few.

In my case, all the way from Pre-K - the middle of elementary school I was so shy I could hardly make friends, and I had a really hard time standing up for myself.

Our parents always said that I grew out of my shyness....and that my brother was....just himself.

NO: I think the REAL truth, is that our mother and father had a GIGANTIC impact on the both of us, to the point where they really changed our personalities.

We both had so many issues with people! Think about it:

WHY would a natural personality trait cause the person to sabotage themselves or their relationships with other people?!

However, parents giving in to one child for whatever the reason, and then being terrified of making the same mistake again with the other child, and so decide to act extra strict and careful with them, sounds like a really common scenario to me.

For the record, neither of us has ever touched drugs or alchohol. We've never been diagnosed with personality disorders either.

To sum everything up:

My brother was the one who was spoiled. He grew up very quickly to be the kid that never respected other people and didn't care about anyone else's feelings, was a huge socialite, and rarely felt guilty about anything.

I was never spoiled and essentially felt really ignored by our parents. I grew up to be the kid that had a hard time getting people to notice me, wanted to be alone and away from other kids until I hit double digits (I hate being alone now) and felt really guilty for the littlest thing at the drop of a hat.

So, did we both honestly act that way due to natural traits? Or, did we act in the way that we had adapted to?

The Classic Sibling Duo: Were Our Personalities Really That Different From Each Other Naturally?
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