When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs

Disclaimer: I know most of you find astrology to be bs, and that’s okay. It’s not the most accurate representation of somebody's life. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t fun to see how you’re unlike or similar to your sign you are. Sometimes it can be amusing to see how we compare to them. They can be extremely accurate, or not accurate at all. If you are not into astrology, or it is simply not accurate for you, that does not give you the right to leave a rude comment. Just move along. It's not science nor fact.

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell is someone likes you. They give mixed signals, are wishy washy, and are just plain confusing. Sometimes there are tell tale signs that make it clear as day when someone is crushing, and here's how to find out. Be aware that everyone is different and that this may not be the most accurate way to tell, and is purely for fun. Most of the descriptions are based off of experience with dealing with each of the signs :)

Below are the twelve signs and dates:

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs

Here is how to tell if the signs are crushing.


March 21 - April 19

When the ram is falling for you, they will get all touchy feely with you, so expect lots of hugs! Being competitive in nature, they will want you to prove yourself worthy by challenging you to their little games, so make sure you stand your ground. When an Aries becomes jealous and attentive of you, it’s a tell tale sign that they are in fact interested because they don’t give people their time of day easily. The most obvious way to tell that an Aries is interested is when they straight up tell you as they tend to dive in “Headfirst”.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


April 20 - May 20

When a Taurus is interested in you, they tend to have stimulating conversations with you. They will ask you how you feel about certain things, and try to keep you safe within their presence. Since they are a nurturing sign, and tend to be protective of the ones they care about, this can be an obvious sign that the bull is catching feelings. They notice things about you that others don’t and greatly appreciate these intricate details, romanticizing your flaws. Also, when they make fun of you, you will know that it is in good nature and their way of expressive interest. A person they like will always receive compliments and they will show their sweet side, which is something that a Taurus rarely does. They often fear that showing this side of them will lead to them getting hurt so they appreciate someone who enjoys seeing this side of them.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


May 21 - June 20

Talking and talking is what a Gemini does when they like you. They will ask a lot of questions, spark a conversation and keep it going. It is believed that when a Gemini pays more attention to you than other people, they really like you because they don’t stick around people who don’t intrigue them. They will also be touchy, and spontaneous. You can often tell the Gemini is interested by their eyes. Their eye contact will be deep and they will become consumed by you and stare deeply at you. Be wary of the Gemini however, because they like to have fun.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


June 21 - July 22

A Cancer is shy and sweet to someone they are catching feelings for. Most Cancers will tell their friends about their crush and you can usually tell with the way their friends act around you, as they may be trying to hook the both of you up. If you catch a Cancer admiring you from afar, they may be contemplating how to approach and act around you, since everything their nature tends to be wary and cautious. Be open and gentle with them if you wish, as this stems from a deep fear of rejection.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


July 23 - August 22

The lion will most likely just straight up tell you that they are fond of you. Everyone knows when a Leo is interested, because they don’t back down fro those who they are interested in and will make it known. They will play games and they will also get very touchy, so if a Leo keeps grabbing you, ticking you, or smiling at you from across the room, they are definitely fond of you. If a Leo is really into you, they will pay more attention to you with their eyes, and they won’t break their stare. They will also talk to you differently than others, using a sweeter, smoother tone. They will always try to impress you. Be sure not to see this as arrogance, because it is simply just nervous flirting.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


August 23 - September 22

A Virgo will challenge you with their negative qualities in order to see if you will stick around. This is a big way to tell if they are fond of you. The very insecure Virgo will need to know that you will love them at their worst, and that you won’t run away when things get tough. If a Virgo respects you and wants to court you, they will often start to pick out your flaws as well, for they love in a way that strives to make those they are with the best version of themselves. If a Virgo is tagging along with your friend group a lot, you can be sure that they want to be around you. Be sure to be quite consistent with a Virgo, for if they misinterpret your feelings, they will turn cold and paranoid.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


September 23 - October 22

Libras have natural charisma, which can be confusing when trying to figure out if they like you or not. Sometimes their friendliness can be mistaken for feelings. Though it may be hard to muster the courage, if you want to know if a Libra likes you, simply ask. Honest and straightforward, if a Libra has been asked if they are fond of someone, they will tell the truth. Their close friends will most definitely have the low down on their current crush.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


October 23 - November 21

If you are trying to figure out if a Scorpio likes you, pay attention to how they are around you. Are they giving you extra attention in public? That is a tell tale sign that they are fond of you, because Scorpios do not bother wasting their time with people who do not interest them. Around their crush, Scorpios are... really awkward, and you may not realize that they like you because of that. If a Scorpio makes intense eye contact with you, and stares at you often, this is another big sign. Scorpios, like Geminis, are known to speak with their eyes, so if they are focused on you, you have them right where you want them.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


November 22 - December 21

(Pssst, my sign. ;) )

If a Sagittarius is falling for you, you can expect that they will try to make you laugh. They will go out of their way to make you smile. They will be playful with you, and they will try to impress you with all of their funny skills and odd behaviors. If a Sagittarius really likes you, they will stutter and act shy around you...something that rarely happens with a Sag. Expect to be complimented a lot when you are being courted by a Sagittarius.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


December 22 - January 19

If a Capricorn is crushing, they will be very hot and cold. One day they will be flirting with you, and they next they will avoid you. This is due to their overthinking, they don’t want to seem too eager, and will often choose a cool down period to avoid this. Capricorns need to feel superior, and having a crush weakens them. This often causes them to break things off before they even start, because they do not want to risk being hurt. However, if you make them feel secure, and show a Capricorn that you too think they are wonderful, they will stick around, and they will eventually admit their feelings for you. Pay attention to the advice you get from a Capricorn, it is a very big sign of affection. Capricorns want to make sure you know about all of their unique talents, and this is their way of impressing you.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


January 20 - February 18

If an Aquarius is starting to feel for you, they will want to be around you, rather than being isolated away. They are reserved when it comes to emotions, but they will encourage you to take what you want. Usually, this means them, but they will test you to see if you will be deterred. If you are unsure of an Aquarius and have another conquest in mind, they will often tell you that you deserve better than that person. They will always try to steer you in their direction. If an Aquarian keeps a conversation going with you for a long period of time, know that they admire you. Aquarians are very bad at focusing their attention in regular situations.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs


February 19 - March 20

If a Pisces likes you they get very coy and very silly. They are dreamers, and they will always want to share their craziest fantasies and desires with you. Their awkwardness is often very endearing, and their fits of laughter are a tell tale sign that they find you charming. If a Pisces likes you, it will feel like you are in high school again. They will poke you and giggle a lot, and they will approach you in childish ways, sending cute text messages, and flirty comments your way. If a Pisces flirts with you more online versus in person, just know that this is because they are shy, and they tend to withdraw in real life situations. This does not mean that they don’t like you, or that they’re playing games. They’re just more confident online.

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs

Thanks for reading.

Was this accurate or inaccurate? Whats your sign? Do you do some of these things when you are crushing?

Based loosely off of this: How to Tell The Signs Like You

#Astrology #ZodiacSigns #TeamSag

When the Signs Have a Crush: How to Know if Someone is Crushing Based on Zodiac Signs
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