My crush says "bye" to me the last time I saw her. Is this a good sign?

I have a crush on a girl in my church and it has been a little confusing. This past month I've been staring at her and she's been also staring at me occasionally. She flirts a little when she gets to, like talks and laugh and mess with me when she gets to. But she's usually a little shy, and doesn't talk to guys that much in general, and is usually only with her friends. Even though she may do those stuff most the time she doesn't show much. Sometimes she just ignores and acts casual. But like when I've been to her house she's kinda done a little more, but still not a lot. So anyway, they are actually moving and the last time I ever saw them was this Wednesday. At church when everyone said bye to them in the parking lot, when she walked to her car, I was in her direction and she said "bye" and my name to me. We never really talked, like I said, and she's shown very few signs, and she just looked at me actually said bye to me. But she didn't show much emotion. But I don't know if she was shy or what. She just said it looking at me and it lasted like 2 seconds when she said that. So did she have an interest in me? Would she not say bye if she didn't like me?
She was interested
Not really
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I also don't have her number or anything, just saying.
My crush says "bye" to me the last time I saw her. Is this a good sign?
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