3 Things Guys Do That Their Girlfriends Like

3 Things guys do that their girlfriends like.

So yesterday I wrote a myTake about things guy do that annoy their girlfriends, based on the things my boyfriend does that annoy me. I thought today it would be fair to do write one about things boyfriends do that their girlfriends like, again based on things my boyfriend does that I like.

1. Worrying about us

The reason I like this one is that it shows they care. My boyfriend sometimes worries that I will find someone better than him or stop loving him, and it may sound mean, but I like that he worries about that. I like that he worries about those things because if he didn't, that would mean that I wasn't important to him.

I think that fact that he worries about me not loving him shows that he must love me, or he otherwise wouldn't care. I also think the fact he worries about me finding someone else shows that he doesn't want me to leave him, he wants me to stay as his girlfriend and nobody elses. He wants to keep me.

2. Listening to and resolving problems in a mature way

When I was with my ex, if I had a problem with anything he did like if it irritated or upset me, I would tell him. However, he often kind of ignored it or apologized but never actually made any changes. He could be very selfish at times and have little regard for my feelings.

My current boyfriend on the other hand is a little different. Again, if he does anything that irritates or upsets me I will tell him and he will apologize, explain to me and/or make some changes. Sure, now and again I might have had to keep on a bit to him about something but he does usually sort it out in the end. He will usually explain himself and not ignore a question, he has not yet got angry at me for pointing out any problems I have and is able to admit when he is wrong.

Because of these things I respect and like him more because I think it shows he cares about me and our relationship, and makes me feel more comfortable telling him things.


3. Complimenting us on both our personality and looks (as long as they are sincere)

Girls like guys to compliment us on both our personality and looks. If you always compliment our appearance and never our personality, sure it's nice to hear we are beautiful sometimes but we may think you don't care about us as a person and will leave us the second someone hotter comes along since you see no value in our personality. On the other hand, always complimenting us on our personality and never our looks may make us think you are not attracted to us physically and can be just as bad.

I used to have a crush on a guy friend who would always compliment me on my personality but never my looks "You're nice", "You're funny", "This girl is a legend!" yes, those things were great to hear but it also made me think "Does he not find me attractive?", "Is there something up with me?" Now it's okay because he was just a friend, but if a guy only said these sort of compliments to his girlfriend and never anything about her appearance, then there might be a problem.

I've had it the other way around as well. My ex would compliment me often but only really about the way I look - "You're beautiful", "You're cute", "You're sexy", "You're fit"

I once asked why he liked me and he replied something along the lines of "Because you have beautiful blue eyes, the perfect smile, the perfect laugh, perfect figure.."

I asked "Besides my physical appearance?" And he just told me I was funny.

Sure it was great hearing about how beautiful he found me and it did raise my self esteem a bit.. but it also made me think that if he didn't find me so attractive he wouldn't care about me and that as soon as someone he deemed more attractive came along he would drop me. I felt a bit like he didn't care about me as a person, just what I looked like.

Luckily my current boyfriend has complimented me on both. I have heard "You're cute", "You're funny" and "You're nice girl" all from him, as well as him rating me a 10. When I asked why he liked me he replied "You're cute, kind and your loyal and trustful and you're always there and you cheer me up and there is more" .

I am glad he seems to like me for both my personality and looks because this means I still feel like I am phyiscally attractive to him, and that he values me as a person.

Thanks for reading as I know this was long and sorry for any grammar mistakes I made.

3 Things Guys Do That Their Girlfriends Like
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