He asked me what I'd do if he kissed me, is he planning on it?

He asked me what I'd do if he kissed me, is he planning on it?

He asked me what I'd do if he kissed me, is he planning on it?

So this guy who I like a lot and I have been talking and he's starting to act like he likes me (ie. Messaging me all the time, we became #1 best friends on sc BC he always messages multiple times a day to talk and ask how I am, is flirty.)

This night he sends me this out of the blue. Like, he didn't even start the conversation with "hey." Just jumped right in and asked me what I'd do if he kissed me. he's done this before kind of. When he had a HUGE crush on me, he asked me "would you date someone in my grade? not asking for me, I'm just curious."

Also, a bit after he asked me if I wanted to go see a new movie with him when it comes out (he usually brings along a friend, never mentioned one this time)

I have two questions :
1) did he message me this because he wants to try and kiss me
2) what exactly does "I'd let it be" mean? (Like, I think it means he'd go along and kiss me back but I'm not entirely sure.)

Thanks to everyone who contributes!
DUH are you stupid? of course he wants to kiss you
he was just curious, doesn't really wanna kiss you
he's only doing it BC everyone else is posting that question online
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He asked me what I'd do if he kissed me, is he planning on it?
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