My boyfriend kicked me in the stomach, he said it was a reflex from me slapping his thigh to hard. What should I do?

Me and my boyfriend were laying in bed me horizontally and him vertically, watching tv. He farted right in my direction and I told him to please not do that. After a few minutes he did it again so I slapped him right on the side of his thigh. I intended is jokingly but I guess I had some force into it and hurt him. His reaction to this was to kick me right in the stomach calling me a bitch... I understand that I hit him first, but does that really make it ok for him to hit me back? I couldn't believe what had just happened and immediately sat up straight and started to cry. He only apologized after seeing that what he did hurt me. It is the first time he has ever hit me and he's never shown signs of being abusive before, and we've been together for 6 years now. He told me he never ment to hurt me and that it was just a reflex from me slapping him first...
My boyfriend kicked me in the stomach, he said it was a reflex from me slapping his thigh to hard. What should I do?
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