No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"


This take is a quick one. In the form of a public service announcement, basically.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH THING as a "naturally fast metabolism".


No, There's No Such Thing as a

It's not a thing.


I wrote a take yesterday about how losing weight and keeping it off really IS harder -- objectively -- for significantly overweight people than for those who've never been overweight.

The things in that take AREN'T "excuses". They are legitimate hardships, which are faced by one group of people -- those who are currently or were formerly obese -- but not by others.

On the other hand, one thing that IS often used as an excuse is... "Oh, some lucky people just have faster metabolisms than others."




(Those are 3 links to studies.)

To a certain extent, this is just common sense. If you had 2 car engines that worked the same way, they'd get the same gas mileage... end of story. (If one engine WAS somehow burning more fuel than the other, it would run hot -- since the excess energy would have nowhere to go except to be dissipated as heat. If that happened in a human body, that unlucky human would quickly overheat and die of hyperthermia.)


So, why DO some people burn off calories more easily than others?

No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"

The answer is really NEAT.

Literally. The answer is "non-exercise activity thermogenesis", abbreviated NEAT by those in the know. NEAT is also known as AEE ("activity energy expenditure").

What is NEAT/AEE?

As that second study pointed out, NEAT includes "all those activities that render us vibrant, unique, and independent beings".

The mythical "fast metabolism" is really just ... not sitting still.

Is it really that simple?


As the author says... "nonexercise activity varies by as much as 2,000 calories per day because some occupations are far more energy expending than others and because leisure activities range from almost complete rest to those that are highly energized."


No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"

That's definitely enough to account for the fastest of "fast metabolisms".

And, sure enough, when they over-fed a bunch of people... "changes in NEAT accounted for the energetic counterresponse to fat gain. Those people who increased their NEAT the most did not gain fat, even with overfeeding."

In plain English:

If someone can eat extra food without gaining weight, that's because she/he is simply moving around more -- at work, at play, or even just fidgeting and bouncing around.

No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"


From that first study: "Although it is widely believed that genetics contribute significantly to the variability in body fatness, the available data do not support a role for defects in resting metabolic rate ... as [a] significant cause of obesity. ...Because daily energy expenditure is decreasing, it is difficult for most people to restrict intake to meet energy requirements, and more and more people are becoming obese."

In plain English: If you're the same size as someone else... you'll have the same metabolism as that someone else, too.

From that third study: "There was no indication of metabolic efficiency in even the severely obese."

In other words...

ANYONE can have a "fast metabolism".
All you have to do is ... get up and do stuff.

No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"

...Or even bounce your leg all day long, if you ride a desk for a living. Every little bit helps.

In fact, if you fidget ENOUGH... you can burn almost 100 calories an hour.

By fidgeting.


That's a thing.

A thing that happens.

To all my elementary-school teachers who told me to quit bouncin' mah damn legs all the time...


I win.

I see you hatin'. #spazgirl #neversitstill #keeponmovin

No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"

Stay active, peeps.


No, There's No Such Thing as a "Fast Metabolism"
Post Opinion