Things I Have Experienced as Someone Who Takes My Health Seriously

I live a healthy lifestyle, i use a lot of time and effort into working out and im also very aware of what i eat.

Im above average interested in these things and people i meet usually react neagtivly to my dedication to my own health. I get told "im too extrem" and i get acused of having low self esteem for wanting to better myself and stribe for the body i want.

This isn't a rant or to show how "bad" my life is, im simply telling about my personal experience which i personally doubt any of my non-fit friends get.

1. People assuming I'm doing it because I "have to" or because i want to look a certain way

Things I Have Experienced as Someone Who Takes My Health Seriously

For a lot of the people I meet and learn about my lifestyle assume im eating the way I do because they think i belive i have do so. They think im some how struggling with my diet and reality is that I want to eat burgers and sweets all the time, but can't because i want to look slim. To a lot of the people i have met its odd to them that i enjoy cooking healthy homemade foods with a lot of vegetable and that I dont have cravings for unhealthy foods all the time

2. I only workout because I want to look good

Things I Have Experienced as Someone Who Takes My Health Seriously

Even though working out and lifting heavy weights makes me look the way i want doesn't mean its the only reason I workout a much as I do. I get told i dont need to work out as much as i do to look good or i get refered as a "fitness freak". I just really enjoy working out and the effect it has on my body. The main reason i do it because i love being strong, it also makes me stay healthy and makes me look defined, something i do enjoy. It seems hard for some people to understand that someone can workout a lot and actually enjoy without having a end goal of looking a certain way.

3. People paying attention to what you eat

When some people find out about my habits they aslo seem to pat a lot more attention to what i eat. If i do eat something thats not healthy i get comments about it, its like you can't have a bar of chocolate without someone commenting about it. This doesn't happen a lot, but it happens, and i dont think average people get it. People do expcet you to be super healthy 24/7

4. Getting "labeled" as insecure

Things I Have Experienced as Someone Who Takes My Health Seriously

this is kinda linked to nr.2. If i want to improve my apperance or my workouts, some people automatically start telling me im fine the way i am or look at me odd(because im already fit, what can i possible need to change, right?). They assume just because i want to improve my physic or fitness level i dislike my body or view myself as unattractive in some way.

Things I Have Experienced as Someone Who Takes My Health Seriously
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