Any Sober/ Non-drinking people here?

I have very recently decided that I have had enough of drinking and to stop, full stop. I'm not a falling down drunk but I had gotten to the point where I was drinking about a bottle of wine a night and was preoccuppied and bothered on the few nights I couldn't drink or ran out of stock in the house. So upon realizing this I decided it was not healthy and not a practice I was going to indulge in any longer.

Here's the deal though. As like most who make this decision everyone I know drinks and drinks are a religious practice in my industry. Interns get pounded with booze 5 nights a week during corporate training to see how their drinking skills are...

I've joined AA but I'm not religious and the God talk is very distracting so I'm wondering if anyone else on here has quit drinking and if so would welcome a PM.

My main concern and distraction about what they preach at AA at the moment is no relationships for a year. Well news flash- I'm not a Nun or a whore so something's got to give...

Just wondering if and how other handled this during the first steps of no booze? I'm thinking anyone with less than 1 year sober is a no go for me but other than that I can handle the break up with out running back to the bottle... thoughts?
Any Sober/ Non-drinking people here?
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