Do I have lice?! D: Please help :'(

I thought I had it for about a month now... Before I thought I had it Because I saw a bunch of white specks in my hair and I thought they were eggs, but my head wasn't itching at all. Turns out I just had dandruff. Then a while later my head started itching A LOT! I thought it was just dry itchy scalp, Because I searched and searched but I didn't find any bugs. Although, I had to try to search my self because my mom hates the thought of me having lice so she checked once and nothing was there and she refuses to check again Because she says I'm paranoid. My head has been itching a lot on the top of my head, and this morning I ate breakfast and I went to was my hands. When I did, I looked in the mirror and saw a tiny red thing crawling on my head. I literally saw it moving up to my scalp. I immediately called my mom and she said she didn't see anything but I know she saw it. I started crying and I saw one more red thing moving down my hair and I cried even more. My mom said it was just food from breakfast, but we had pancakes, and pancakes aren't red. Is this lice? If so, how can I treat it? Please help! Thank you! :)
Do I have lice?! D: Please help :'(
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