Girl seemed like she wanted to cry when I told her this, good or bad?

This girl is uber pissed at me and when she gets mad she likes to bring out mistakes I've done in the past and throw them at me. One time I was so mad and lost it and told her "I hate you, don't talk to me again" and even though I apologized and told her I didn't mean it and have showed her, she hangs on to that bit and will not let it go, because she said "be careful what you say because words are forever".

I didn't know what else to do, so I told her about a time when she was in the hospital and I had no idea what happened to her and I told her that in that day, I was so worried that I started praying for her to get better and that it was something that didn't need a lot of attention because I cared for her even though we can't seem to get along.

After that she got all "stop trying to pull my heart strings" but then she looked down and when she looked up, her eyes were red and a bit watery and I told her that if I really hated her, I would have not done that and she should stop thinking of me as a bad person.

Was this a good idea? I don't know how else to get her to snap out it. I don't hate her, EVER, if anything I love her and it breaks my heart she hangs on to what I told her so long ago, even though we have shared great moments after that but she never brings that up. What else can I do?
Girl seemed like she wanted to cry when I told her this, good or bad?
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