10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

Many of us had ridiculous thoughts during our childhood. Some of them make us feel ashamed that we thought that way, back in the day.

(In alphabetical order)

1) Bathtub curtains

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

I mean I was afraid having the bathtub curtains closed when I was taking a shower. Because I had this thought, that someone would stab me with a knife behind the curtains.

2) Going out alone

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

The first time I went out on my own it was when I was 11. I know it sounds silly, but I was afraid that I would get lost in the crowd if someone else wasn’t with me.

3) Old pictures (from 20s-50s era)

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

The style of the people back then (for example, men had thick mustaches, and they were looking really angry or had this cold strict look if they were in a military uniform), made me feel afraid, and I thought they were looking at me.

4) Pictures of naked women

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

Not exactly afraid. But those pictures made me feel really uncomfortable and I turned all red if I saw such a picture. Unlike now, where I view those pictures as something totally normal. To be honest, I regret that I was such a chicken as a kid, to feel extremely uncomfortable by something like this.

5) Riding a bus/train alone

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

I thought I would be taken somewhere very far away if someone else wasn’t with me.

6) Someone following us during the nighttime

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

Obviously, I was out with my mother. Not alone. But still I remember when I was telling her to walk quicker, because I thought that some kind of monster was chasing us, holding a bat.

7) Someone would break into our home

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

Even if the door was locked, I still thought a burglar would come to our apartment by using a ladder or a helicopter, and get in by using the balcony.

8. Staying alone at home

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

Even when my mom was out for three minutes in order to throw out the rubbish, I was really anxious for those few minutes when I was alone. I didn’t expect that one day I will be able to stay alone.

9) Terrorists

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

I thought back then that terrorists go out in the streets holding a gun, shooting anyone they come across. But later I realized that’s untrue. Terrorists have certain targets, and they won’t harm you if you don’t belong to those targets.

10) Theaters

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore

Particularly, before the actors were starting their play. I was kind of afraid by the fact that the stage was dark and nobody was on it. I thought a monster, a ghost or something like that, would pop out from the stage and start chasing us.

PS: No, I didn’t suffer from this syndrome, they label most kids these days (don’t recall how they call it). I was just being kid.

10 Things I Was Afraid Of/Made Me Anxious As A Kid, But Not Anymore
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