Stop Obsessing Over Your Boyfriend's Girl Friends/Girlfriend's Boy Friends


One question I come across on here a lot is always something along the lines of "is it ok for my girlfriend to have guy friends?" or "my boyfriend is talking to other girls, what should I do - I'm jealous?"
This is something that has always baffled me and will probably keep baffling me until the day I die. So let me say it right now; people are allowed to have friends of whatever sex, even when they're in a relationship. I don't think I know a single person in a relationship who doesn't have friends of the opposite sex. So to me, the concept of ditching your friends once you get into a relationship is completely foreign.

Your insecurities are the issue, here. Not the fact that you SO is talking to and befriending other people. Just because your girlfriend has a few guy friends, or your boyfriend has a few girl friends, it doesn't automatically mean that they're going to cheat on you with them, or eventually fall for them. It might happen. But guess what, that could happen with anybody, not just with the people they're friends with. So even if your boyfriend doesn't have any girl friends, or your girlfriend doesn't have any boy friends, they can still cheat on you and still break your heart. A cheater will cheat no matter what. They will grab any opportunity they get, whether that's with a friend or with some random person they just met at a club. So to stress over their friends is pointless.

A relationship is built on love, communication and trust.

Without these 3 essentials, a relationship is doomed to fail. If you get so easily jealous over the fact that they're talking to and hanging out with other people, then that means you don't trust them. And don't give me that "I trust them, I don't trust their friends" bullshit. That's a cowardly cop-out, and you know it. If you truly trust your boyfriend, you'll know that he will reject any advances. If you truly trust your girlfriend, you'll know that she will walk away from sketchy guys. If they reject the people who try to approach them like that, then you have nothing to be jealous of. You have nothing to worry about. But if you, deep down, worry that your boyfriend will fall for other girls' advances, or think that your girlfriend will kiss the guy back who leans in on her, then honey, it's your partner you don't trust. If you think that they will give in to temptation like that, then it's not the other people you're worrying about. You're worrying about their lack of self-control, and that's on them, not the people who choose to pursue them. A person worthy of your trust is a person whose personal judgment you accept when it comes to friends. If you don't accept their personal judgment, then you don't trust them.

I will end this myTake with a simple question to anyone who's doubting their SO's friendships:

Why are you even with a person you don't trust?

Stop Obsessing Over Your Boyfriend's Girl Friends/Girlfriend's Boy Friends

Stop Obsessing Over Your Boyfriend's Girl Friends/Girlfriend's Boy Friends
19 Opinion