5 Reasons Why I Prefer Nice Guys, and Why Not ALL Women Go for Bad Boys

There's a common stereotype that all or most women prefer bad guys or the assholes out there. They also say "Nice guys finish last." From my experience this is not true in any way, shape or form.

1. I know they'll always be there for me.
5 Reasons Why I Prefer Nice Guys, and Why Not ALL Women Go for Bad Boys

No matter what I feel I always know they'll be there to listen to me, and care about what I have to say. I don't like feeling like I'll just be a bother to a guy who does not care.

2. Nice guys usually pay attention more.

I am not asking for all men to remember every little detail I say, as I can understand that some people can forget details, I have a bad memory myself, but I prefer men who listen to what I have to say and don't ignore it, or put it off like it's nothing.

3. I don't have to worry about what they'll do next, or how they'll respond to something.

5 Reasons Why I Prefer Nice Guys, and Why Not ALL Women Go for Bad Boys

Now, I've been with nice guys, and what you could consider "bad guys" and when I dated so called "bad guys," whenever I share my feelings towards them I get mixed responses and some of them do not give a care in the world, some said my feelings were stupid, etc. With a nice guy they would accept my opinions and I can accept theirs too. I didn't have to worry about how they would think of my opinions because I knew no matter what they'd respond in a mature way.

4. They know me more than I know myself sometimes.

Whenever I'm upset about something and I do not feel like sharing it they know something is up with me and they do not hesitate to find out what's wrong. They know me well enough.

5 Reasons Why I Prefer Nice Guys, and Why Not ALL Women Go for Bad Boys

5. They respect me and I respect them

Now, I respect any guy I have dated regardless of how their personality was, but I feel like nice guys respect me more than a guy who acts as a jerk would. No insults out of the blue, no saying my choices are stupid. No pressuring me into anything I do not feel comfortable with.

These are just my opinions keep in mind, I do not disagree with anyone who prefers so called "bad guys" and I don't hate them.

This is just my preference.

5 Reasons Why I Prefer Nice Guys, and Why Not ALL Women Go for Bad Boys
Post Opinion