Girl who rejected me now says she likes me? Now that I am rich. Can power make a guy more attractive or is she just trying to use me?

I started a company about a year ago that expanded very quickly and I now have over 30 employees. Obviously being the owner and CEO of a company this size, I now have a lot more money and as a result, more power.

Three years ago in university, I told one of my best friends that I was in love with her and she told me, among other things that I wasn't tall enough for her, and it broke my heart. But she wasn't trying to be mean, just frank. Anyway, over the years, we've stayed good friends. A couple of weeks ago she told me that she has feelings for me. We have a lot of history and I do still love her. I told her that I would have to think about it.

I know that it's easy to assume that she just wants to use me, but is it possible that she now has real feelings for me? Can power make a man more attractive? I still dress and act exactly as before. Girls are my one weakness, I need some advice.

P. S. I have no interest in casual sex or anything like that, I have always wanted a meaningful relationship, so please don't suggest that I just have sex with her.
Power can make a man more attractive. Give her a chance
Power can make a man more attractive. Don't trust her.
Power doesn't make a man more attractive. Don't trust her
I'm not sure
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+1 y
To be clear, she has not suddenly drifted back into my life since I started my company. We've always been close.
+1 y
If she's willing to deceive use me, then she'd definitely willing to wait it out while I take it slow.
Girl who rejected me now says she likes me? Now that I am rich. Can power make a guy more attractive or is she just trying to use me?
24 Opinion