Share your "creepy guy" stories.

Hello ladies,

Do you have any interesting stories about guys who creeped you out?! If you have more than one please share both. Please entertain us all.

I'll share one. At the office we have a secretary and earlier we hired an old guy; let's call him Larry. This old guy absolutely does not know anything about how to use a computer (I was not the one to hire him; the president did). So sometimes the secretary might teach the old guy a few things on the computer. But Time after time the old guy would stand behind the secretary's desk and she would not be teaching him anything. She thought he was just standing there looking down at her boobs. That creeped her out!

Also sometimes the secretary would say "What's up Larry?" And he would respond with, "Not me!" Now the secretary will never say "What's up?" to anybody ever again. Anyway the old guy was eventually fired, because he was useless.

Share your "creepy guy" stories.
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