She doesn't want a relationship right now, what can you do?

Basically if a girl tells you she's too busy right now to have a relationship or that she doesn't know if she wants to start one right now but tells you she likes you and she knows you like her. we've been kinda going out for a couple months and this was the result when we talked about where we were at. anyways I believe her cause I know the issues she's dealing with right now and they are pretty major, and for the sake of this question lets just assume she's not blowing me off kindly haha.

So what are some options I have if I want her to be my girlfriend in the future, hopefully near future cause I don't want to wait forever and probably can't wait forever. do I still try to spend time with her and just keep showing her what a good guy I am, or should I just completely back off. what can happen in either situation. I know I can't demand her to choose now if she wants to be my girlfriend now or never, is there anything I can do or say to her to speed it up I guess?
She doesn't want a relationship right now, what can you do?
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