Mid-Twenties and never had a boyfriend? Yeah, I wasn't in a rush to fit in!?

I'm 26 and I've never had a boyfriend or pretty much even dated. I focused on school and never really spent time on the whole relationship finding thing.
Mid-Twenties and never had a boyfriend
Mid-Twenties and never had a boyfriend
It's always been such a SHOCKER to tell people this. I always get the "why is that" or "you're such a pretty girl" or the biggest pain of them all "are you gay". What the heck is the deal? Why the frick does everyone have to have someone by their side?

I was just wondering, (from your point of view), if it's best not to bring it up until I'm actually dating someone. It seems as if people get weirded out by it...kinda like they think I might have issues or something.

Thanks for your input!
Mid-Twenties and never had a boyfriend? Yeah, I wasn't in a rush to fit in!?
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