Why I don't believe in equality

...and why that doesn't make me a misanthrope.

Why I don't believe in equality

1. Believing is for religion

While by now the views towards equality are repeating like a mantra and certain people and groups treat it like a religious, almost cultish view - the conversation around equality is still that of a societal and ethical point of view. No amount of repeating one is for equality will make the argumentation more valid.

2. People are not of equal worth

No matter how hard one tries to rationalise it, a cripple will never be of as much worth to a functioning society than a working member.

What is meant with equal worth is solely based on the ethical point of view that any life is worth the same. I do agree with that, but it's utterly irrelevant to the societal worth the equality argument is based around.

3. Affirmative Actions, lowered standards and such

These are per se ridiculous. A person should get into a occupation, education, etc. solely based on their merits rather than having an advantage due to being part of a minority or underrepresented group. A person either is good enough or isn't.

Now if a person is good enough, but lacking in monetary possibilities - I am all for scholarships. But getting a scholarship, because you are a one-legged black homosexual? No, thanks.

4. Men and women are different

This reality known for centures is still true. Biology doesn't change that fast. Men and women are fundamentally different. Water is wet. The sky is blue.

But lets look at it objectively. What reason would there to have no fundamental difference between men and women. If we go from an evolutionary point of view, if men and women were meant to be the same - we would be hermaphrodites. Yet, we are physiologically and also psychologically different.

That being said - if a woman is as capable as a man (see #3), she should be able to do whatever she wants. If she isn't capable though, because i.e. a job requires physical standards, then it's unfortunate for her as an individual - but she will have to deal with it either way. It is more likely though that the freedom of choice will naturally have women still lean towards certain kind of occupations and men towards other kinds.

5. The loss of gender identity and rise of androgyny among men and women destabilises society

Men aren't better women and women aren't better men. Trying to achieve some sort of androgyn society will ultimatively be a societies demise. We need men and women to be able to complement each other. We need men and women to be two equally important, but different sides of the same coin.

While I am all for learning from the other gender, it is at least as important to also embrace your own gender identity. There is a lot of beauty in both gender to be found.

6. Equal opportunities do not result in equal outcomes

Having equal opportunities will not result in equal outcomes. Trying to force equal outcomes undermines individuality and is the mindset of a totalitarian. Several socialist countries have tried it in the past and more than enough are still doing so. It doesn't matter if it is/was China, Cuba, Eastern Germany, Hungary, etc. - all of those tried to push equal outcomes and it failed.

Aside from the obvious that people are different - why did it fail? First of all a key issue is that equal outcomes will result in a lack of competitiveness which thus results in a steady decline of a countries economy. The second issue is that in order to have the living standard the same for everyone it would be necessary to have the lowest possible denominator where everyone could meet. This would naturally be a step backwards from most of ours living standard.

Personally I have been born in a former socialist country which changed their system as I grew up. While I have to say that it had some merits, it is simply dysfunctional in the long run. The reality of things is that people are equal and equally poor, but some are somehow even more equal than others. The thought-process that if everyone is the same, everyone has a decent life is childish and naive at best - infantile and dangerous at worst.

7. Forced equality undermines the beauty of individuality

Simple as that. Forcing the people to be equal - especially equal outcomes - will undermine and diminish the development and expression of individuality.

8. A common symptom of a decadent society

The desire to make the life better for everyone else in a society has happened in wealthy societies all over the past. Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, etc. were all similary decadent.

The problem with this mindset is that it forgets about the attributes which originally brought these societies up. It stunts any further progress which was build up prior on the backs of the population. Not to be mistaken with the fallen men in war, but with the hard-working class who build cities and countries from scratch.

9. The more power you put in the hands of a government, the more dangerous it potentially is in case of tyranny

This is self-explanatory. By pressuring the government to make people more equal we not only give the government more power, but we also reduce our own freedom of expression.

In the worst case scenario of government tyranny having handed so much power to the government makes it even worse.

10. Life isn't fair. Everyone has their own baggage to carry.

That's correct. Life isn't fair. Some are born in a rich family, some are born in a loving and caring family, some have an abusive parent, some have certain talents and so on. Life is not fair. No matter how hard you try to make it fair for everyone - it will not work.

The reality is that everyone has their own baggage to carry though. Everyone has their own challenges in life to master. The rich kid could have been raised without a parental affection. The smart kid could be socially stunted. Life is way more complex to just place basic guidelines of what is considered more or less privileged than others. In fact life is so complicated that people will not even disagree on what is considered being privileged. And this also leads to the last point:

11. No one is responsible for your well-being, but you

That's right. The reality is that you are not important, the world doesn't revolve around and will still keep spinning without you. Thus no one is obligated for your well-being. It is alone in your hands.

Yes, you preferably have people along the way. People who support you, aid you, help you. In the end though whatever your path and however rocky it may be, you will have to walk and overcome it with your own two legs. That is what makes us human and that is what makes us grow. You will not grow as a person based on an easy life. It is you who are reponsible for what is making your life easy or difficult.

That being said it naturally is preferably, if people are kind and helpful to each other - but that doesn't change the reality of how dysfunctional equality is.

Long story short: Equality is an utopic and naive way of thinking. It stems from the lack of consideration for the reality of things. Most often it comes out of a good intent, but that's irrelevant as it is dysfunctional either way.

Why I don't believe in equality
Post Opinion