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myTakes: Break Up & Divorce

Stop waiting for them to come back!

Stop waiting for them to come back. They are gone, left you. Vanished, like a fart in the wind. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can move on and start moving forward in your life I know, there is a part of...

Why I'm still not over my last relationship

Hi guys! Me again! I thought today was an appropriate time to really open up and admit something I've kept a secret for a long time: I'm still not over my last relationship . And it's been three years . I'm not proud of...

My 10 Favorite (Sad) Break Up Songs

"Have you done Sad breakup songs yet?" - @StingRayxoxo "No but I could" - Jjpayne For this list, I have decided to start off with a warm up song and it just is a great song to start off this topic of sad songs :) Sad...

My 10 favorite (tell them off) break up songs

Ok, so I have seen my share of heartache on gag and I want to give girls and guys some fuel! Listen to these bad boys and you can be the one in power over the breakup! not them! :) 1. Hit the Road Jack - Ray Charles...

Do Men Or Women Hurt the Hardest After A Break-Up?

This is a topic that’s been talked about on GaG more than once over the years and many people seem to agree that men hurt hardest from or after a break-up. I’ve wanted to give my 2 cents on it in full for a long time now...

It's Best to Cut Someone Out of Your Life Completely For a While After you Break Up

Me and my girlfriend broke up at the end of January. I broke up with her. She got a rebound quickly after. She still wanted to be "friends" with me though, telling me about all her problems and stuff, and it irritated me...

When They Reject You, Sometimes It’s Them, Not You…

So you got rejected. It hurts yes. It makes you feel sometimes unattractive or you feel your world crumbling down. How we react towards rejection is in our hands. Sometimes, it is not you honey. It is them who have a...

Signs your relationship is over

We've been together for so very long But now things are changing, oh I wonder what's wrong? Seems you don't want me around The passion is gone and the flame's died down... Just like Weird Al’s song “You don’t...

What to do about her anxious daughter who is cheating and lying!

This is all true, wrote it for my xGF and sharing for benefit of others! People just want me to write simply..."give me the answer!" No, I have fun writing the answer, it's more fun that way:) PRIOR RELATIONSHIP CRASH...

Signs You're Not Over Your Ex Yet...

It’s been months since your ex said adieu to you and you still cannot stop thinking of the shoulda could've woulda’s and the why’s. Of your romantic past together and the good even the bad times you spent for years. The...

The "art" of getting back together - there is no art, there is no trick

Hi. If any of you recall, I made mention to the fact that I had broken up with my fiance. However, I refused to fully speak as to the reason why we separated. Because, as much of a shithead I am, I don't believe...

For Christians who have struggled with heartbreak—you will make it though.

A few years ago, I was in a relationship with a young man from my church whom I loved very much. After two years, he left me for his coworker who also is a fellow church member. He soon married her and had a child. I...

How I truly moved on?

My personal experience So of many of my active followers are aware I originally started using G@g once I started working with a big group of young men and I'm the only girl at my work as I was curious what they really...

My top 15 songs to help move on from a toxic relationship?

I should probably warn beforehand most theses songs have a lot of swearing in them. Last year I went through a hard time trying to move on from a complete utter toxic fuck boy. It was very difficult for me, as he was the...

Love or Lust- Can't live with or without her. Really torn, need some opinions..

Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still. Love has no bounds, or at least that's what I, just like most of you,...

I'm hiding something from my boyfriend; you should, too

My boyfriend and I recently went through a rough patch in our relationship at the end of October. At the begining, I had the feeling it was going to be our longest and hardest obstacle yet, and what did I do? I went out...

To Return or Not-to-Return Gifts After a Break-Up

This is inspired by a question I saw earlier about whether or not a gift should be returned after a breakup from @iman1998 : Would You Return an Extremely Expensive Gift Your Partner Gave You After a Break Up I have had...

How to Get Over a Breakup

music video of "Why don't you love me" by Beyoncé Getting your heart broken isn't easy but it's something we all have to go through at least once in our lives. When we get in a relationship, we know that the breakup might...

If You Think Guys Cheat More Then You're Wrong

Cheating is not gendered The "guy cheats more" is just a stereotype. I know there are real players out there but it doesn't mean girls are generally innocent. If you think more guys cheat than girls, you don't think twice...

How You Left Me Feeling After Our Breakup

We met when I was 25 and I left you at 28, it's been about 4 years (turning 29 next month). Just reflecting on everything we did, every word we said, every kiss we had and every moment we shared. Was it real? Did you mean...