Why does my ex boyfriend do this? Is he in pain or just looking for attention?

Me and my ex boyfriend broke up over a week ago
I have trust issues and get jealous easily so we had a fight coz i accused him of something and then he just broke it off and blocked me on everything straight away
We had been fighting a lot because of my trust issues
He has never cheated on me before and he is loyal guy but my trust issues got the best of me
This is both our longest relationships
We have been together for more than 1 year
He invested so much time, energy and money on me... but he can just cut me off like that?
Im the only girl out of his exes that met his parents and close co workers
And he's the only guy out of all my exes that met my parents
We planned to go trip together for next valentines day but since we broke up, its not happening 😔
But anyway, my friend has him on instagram and she told me that he has been posting pictures of himself every single day now and all his captions are all related to "pain" recently
E. g. "i have been in pain my whole life but now its gonna make me stronger" bla bla..
Does this mean he's in pain (maybe from breakup)? Or just looking for attention?
Coz when we were still together, when he post pictures of himself, he never mentions "pain" or captions like that and he doesn't post pictures everyday. Maybe every 2 or 3 days :/
Yeah he's in pain
Nah he's looking for attention
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Why does my ex boyfriend do this? Is he in pain or just looking for attention?
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